MCMA Discussion with Jamie Lowell & Rick Thompson

Episode 88 of MiCannaCast, Cannadave & Groovee have Special guests Jamie Lowell & Rick Thompson of the Jazz Cabbage Cafe. They’re on to discuss the big news happening in the Michigan Cannabis industry. How & Why the MCMA is trying to ruin caregivers, patients, microbusiness, and more. The MCMA has been on most people’s minds since the news came out last month on out Steve Linder wants to do. You can check out our video interview here



Jamie Lowell & Rick Thompson are two OGs in the cannabis industry here in Michigan to discuss the MCMA. Huge advocates in the scene here and have helped the industry grow by fighting & crafting legislation that was passed in the state. To have them on and discuss this topic with us was a huge honor. Jamie & Rick breakdown the MCMA proposal by Steve Linder and what it means for everyone. 

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association or MCMA is fighting to take away caregiver rights, Microbusinesses, & home grows restrictions. This has gotten National attention on this topic because many believe you should be able to grow cannabis. The MCMA is doing this to create a monopoly of just their product and nobody else in the market. This is a breach of what we want cannabis to be and don’t agree with them. We believe everyone should be able to grow cannabis without a 3 plant count restriction. The breakdown off what they want to do is shown below on Jamie’s post that he got from someone online and just copied and pasted it to get the message out.

Secondly, the caregivers built the medical industry here in the state. Caregivers are the ones who helped built the scene and took it to where it’s at today. The caregivers supplied the industry since its inception in 2008. The market didn’t have enough products when medical launched with licenses and the state needed the caregiver’s help. Therefore seeing the MCMA trying to end that program is a sad day, but the industry is fighting back by having boycotts on all MCMA products from Common Citizen, Green Peak Innovations, Skymint, Sherbinskis, DNA Genetic, CloutKing, Pleasantrees, Wana brands, Fluresh, and more. These are the brands that we shouldn’t support. Especially if you are for everyone growing, no restrictions don’t support them. 

What’s Next

Steve Linder just stepped down from his position at the MCMA which isn’t surprising because of the attention it has gotten since his comments were made public. We will be continuing to monitor this situation happening here in Michigan. It was awesome to get Jamie & Rick’s opinion on this and how bad it could be for the booming industry. Finally, here is a list of the other brands on the flyer posted all over social media Shout-out to Medical Mondays for posting this and creating the conversation too.

This topic needs to be talked about more and more because it truly will ruin the cannabis industry. It could possibly ruin it in other states before they even get started. If MCMA is successful here others could look at this and try to restrict home grows and licenses for smaller grows. This only will make sure the black market will thrive once again. It’s a big-money play that none of us care for and it’s just hurting the industry and helping. Big corporate cannabis is trying to take the way rights of the people by restricting these grows. How do you feel about what the MCMA is trying to do here in Michigan? If any of the companies above would like to talk about this topic please reach out would love to hear why you want to restrict grows and more.

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Make sure you check out the Jazz Cabbage Cafe Every Tuesday live 4-6 pm. Check out our latest episode with NOBO and their CEO Alan Bonsett. Here is an older episode a recap of our first 50.

Tune in this Saturday for our Wake N Bake Live at 9 am. Next Tuesday For Terp Talk Tuesday 9 pm.






Jazz Cabbage Cafe:……

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