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Episode 26: Cannabis Deemed Essential
On the latest episode of MiCannaCast, we talk about the stay at home orders in effect around Michigan and other states. Why is Cannabis Deemed Essential? Cannabis is essential after not being considered an essential business, times are change quickly in this industry. This is a big step for the movement of Cannabis!
How does this affect people who are jail over cannabis-related charges? It’s a good thing to see Cannabis Stay open during the “Stay At Home Order”, but things still need to change for some. What did the MRA (Michigan Regulatory Agency) have to say regarding Cannabis and what it can do in these times?
How is this affecting the cannabis industry now? We see a lot of roadside pickups and delivery services going on now with the social distancing in effect. Will this become the new norm once social distancing is over?
Did any shops shut down because of this stay at home order? We know of a few that have shut their doors due to this. What state is smoking the most cannabis during this global pandemic?
What do Cannadave and Groovee think of the global pandemic affecting the cannabis Industry? What’s their opinion on the curbside pick up? Are Sales going to contiune to increase during the pandemic?
Strain Review on Cloud Cover Cannabis Do-Si-Dos Strain Review. We picked this up at High Profile Detroit. This was before the stay at home order was in effect. What did we think of this strain? Would Cannadave or Groovee Recommended this Strain and Brand?
Tune in and Find out on this Episode of MiCannaCast!!
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