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Episode 20- John Generic Fertilizers
We talk about his experience in the Cannabis Industry and his journey to the Michigan Market. How He talks about his education at Florida State University where he learned about fertilizers. John was in California for a brief time running one of the larger delivery services at the time out there. He started buying from them and moved his way up the chain therefrom driver, to the manager. How he came up with the name Generic Fertilizers and his business model. His upcoming Talks about how to grow?
Different grow tips from John and his 17 years of experience of growing. Talk about different strains Indiana Bubba, Mr. Nice Seeds. How to Ph your cannabis properly. Outdoor and indoor grow his experience in both. Vertical and horizontal growth with cannabis growing ways. What are the best lights he likes using in growing HPS vs LEDs? Talks about Horticulture lights and Iluminar Lighting LEDs. The History of High-Pressure Sodium and its rise in the growing industry before the technology rise of LEDs in recent years.
We go over a couple of different events happening in Michigan this year. Hash Bash on April the first Saturday of the month. Cannabis Aid Conference that Geneirc Fertilizers attended last year and might be attending this year in Oct 16,17th. Talk about the Cannabis Cup in Detroit and the cannabis community itself.
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