Advocate, Educate, Inspire: New Episode of MiCannaCast is on the future of Adult-use Sales vs Medical Sales of Cannabis in the State in Mi. This is a changing point in Michigan’s Cannabis Industry. We also talk about elephants getting doses of CBD because it helps with the stress. The second topic is recent bust at the Canada and Michigan Border were pulled over with 1,000 pounds of Marijuana. The last topic we touch on is the historic house vote this month on marijuana. Lastly, The historic house vote we talk about and how it could change the landscape of cannabis for the future.
Elephants & Drug Bust
In Warsaw Poland, they are giving CBD oil to 3 elephants at their zoo. The elephants are getting CBDs because of the stresses they have been getting from people visiting. By giving them CBD oil they are taking the elephants off of pharmaceuticals and getting them into cannabis. It’s great to see them trying other methods of treatment like CBDs.
The other topic is the big drug bust at the border of Canada and Michigan. The driver was coming over from Canada and was bringing the shipment to Chicago they said. The driver was pulled over with 1000 pounds of Marijuana. That is a pretty big shipment of cannabis rolling through the border especially now that Canada is legal, Michigan is legal, and now Illinois is legal as well too.
Adult-Use Update vs Medical Sales
The Adult-use market just opened up recently in Michigan for the Sale of Cannabis to anyone 21 and up. The Adult-use industry is growing rapidly and the projections for a billion dollar industry look more real and closer than they did ever before. The program is already 7 months in and it already passed the medical sales with Adult-use Cannabis Sales. Is this trend going to continue? Many believe so and so does our CoHost CannaDave & Groovee.

The Cannabis industry is growing rapidly and you can see that as a consumer in the state because of all the brands coming out and new products hitting the shelf. The medical program is seeing a drop in renewals this year already. Will this trend continue? Its a pretty big possibility that will because of the easiness of going to adult use sales vs medical sales. The only thing that stinks is the higher sales tax on the adult vs medical side.
Groovee makes a statement “its easier to get pot now compared to alcohol.” He believes this because of how the industry is growing and these shops are popping up in more cities as well now too. Lastly, with the Sales increasing in Michigan we think the House vote on Cannabis this month could change the laws in America. We shall see the future of Cannabis Sales in Mi in the coming months. It’s crazy to see the Adult-Use vs Medical Sales and seeing adult use surpassing medical already. Lets watch is this booming industry grow.
Historic House Vote
We’ve been here before that congress has the opportunity to change things in the cannabis space it’s the historic house vote. Obviously all other proposals haven’t passed because we are still illegal in many states and the states are choosing what to do. This would open up the U.S to have cannabis decriminalized or legalized because of the vote. The Vote would change the landscape of Cannabis if this passes the house. Secondly it would need to pass the Senate as well for it to become a law! The Republicans own the Senate so that could be tough to pass.
The good thing is 66% of U.S. Adults want legalization of cannabis and a higher percentage wants it to at least be medical! The perception of cannabis is changing because more and more are opened to the idea of it being legal. We are starting to see more cannabis users from older senior citizens to people who are just starting to try it. I think many Americans are tired of seeing people in jail for small marijuana offenses. Lets see what happens in the coming weeks and see if it passes. Legalization of Cannabis will be huge for the growing industry.
Lastly, the times are changing and lets see where it goes in the coming weeks or months. Will Cannabis be legal this year? Hopefully this does pass the house and it goes on to the Senate for the vote. This has happened many times and it doesn’t even get passed the House so let’s see what happens. In Michigan with the increase in Adult-Use Sales vs. Medical Sales shows that the industry can grow rapidly. Let’s Hope we are talking about this passing the house on our next episodes!
MiCannaCast Updates
Thanks for tuning in to another episode of MiCannaCast and Lastly don’t miss our Live Wake & Bake 9am Eastern Every Saturday!! Live on Facebook and Instagram. We look forward to seeing you for the wake & bake!! One of our recent episodes was on an adult-use update. Lastly, Want to learn concentrate consistences check out our recent episode on all different concentrates.
Lastly with Adult-Use Sales surpassing medical cannabis sales in the state of Michigan within the 7 months is huge for the growing industry. Due to this happening its not unreasonable to believe that the Historic House Vote could pass and make its way to the Senate.
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